+234 803 851 4090, +234 908 290 7092, +234 905 646 3036, +234 807 991 7938 centralinfo@noun.edu.ng

Career Profile

Rev. Abel Aor Inyaregh (PhD) was born on the 11th of May 1975 at Ute, Vandeikya Local Government of Benue State, Nigeria. He is the Reverend Pastor of Universal Reformed Christian Church (URCC), Mkar, Benue State, branded Nongu U Kristu U I Ser U Sha Tar (NKST) in the local language. He is a Reformed Calvinist. He is married to Janet Msonter Inyaregh and blessed with three (3) children, two boys and a girl; Heaven Ternguuma, Zion Mmemngu and Prisca Msonter. Inyaregh is a Senior Lecturer, area of Specialty is Biblical Studies: New Testament in the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja.Rev. Abel Aor Inyaregh (PhD) was born on the 11th of May 1975 at Ute, Vandeikya Local Government of Benue State, Nigeria. He is the Reverend Pastor of Universal Reformed Christian Church (URCC), Mkar, Benue State, branded Nongu U Kristu U I Ser U Sha Tar (NKST) in the local language. He is a Reformed Calvinist. He is married to Janet Msonter Inyaregh and blessed with three (3) children, two boys and a girl; Heaven Ternguuma, Zion Mmemngu and Prisca Msonter. Inyaregh is a Senior Lecturer, area of Specialty is Biblical Studies: New Testament in the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja.Institutions Attended and Qualifications Obtained (with Dates): 

(a) Benue State University, Makurdi                PhD (New Testament) 2009-2016 (b) Benue State University, Makurdi                 MA (Biblical Studies) 2005-2007 (c) Theological College of Northern Nigeria, Jos     BDD (Theology) 1998-2002 (d) Government Secondary School, Tsar, Mbaduku    WAEC           1990-1992  (e) Gyegwe Grammar School, Koti, Ute                     JSCE                   1987-1989   (f) LGEA Primary School, Anza, Ute                          FSLC                1980-1986 Membership of Learned/Professional Bodies(a) Member, Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies (NABIS)(b) Member, Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR)(c) Member, Nigerian Association of Christian Studies (NACS)(d) Member, Institute for Biblical Scholarship in Africa (IBSA) – West Africa(e) Member, Nigerian University Scholars in Religion (NUSREL)(f) Secretary, Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies (NABIS), Northern Zone

Dr. Abel Aor Inyaregh




Religious Studies/Christian Theology

Senior Lecturer

PG Coordinator



Doctor of Philosophy PhD (New Testament) Doctor of Philosophy PhD (New Testament) Master of Arts, MA (Biblical Studies) Bachelor of Divinity Degree, BDD (Theology) 

Details of Teaching/Working Experience and University Administration.Details of Teaching/Working Experience and University Administration.a. Teaching Experience:i. CTH141 Church History I, ii. CTH142 Church History II iii. CTH102 Major Religious Groupsiv. CTH152 Marriage and Familyv. CTH213 Synoptic Gospels, vi. CTH214, Pauline Epistles vii. CTH218 Biblical Hermeneutics viii. CTH231 Christian Ethicsix. CTH302 Messianism x. CTH311 Gospel of John xi. CTH314 Intertestamental Lit. xii. CTH324 NT Theologyxiii. CTH412, Gospel pf Matthew xiv. CTH441, Christianity in Africaxv. CTH702, Common Themes in Christianity and Islamxvi. CTH711 Biblical Hermeneutics xvii. CTH714 Critical Introduction to the NTxviii. CTH721 Systematic Theologyxix. CTH837 Ecumenismxx. CTH814 Biblical Criticism xxi. CTH821 Pauline Epistles xxii. CTH826, Ecclesiology xxiii. CTH832 The Rise and Growth of Xty in Africa xxiv. CTH817 Gospels 
b. Working Experience:i. Lecturer, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja (2017-Till Date)ii. Visiting Lecturer, Reformed Theological Seminary, Mkar  2018 – 2019iii. Chaplain, Mbagbera Community Secondary School                                      2002-2003                   iv. Principal, NKST Secondary School, Ugugu, Ikurav-Ya                                2003-2004v. Chaplain, NKST Secondary School, Adikpo                                                2005-2006vi. Chaplain, NKST Secondary School, Kuhe-Mbatiav                              2006-2007vii. Chaplain, Len Gabrailse School of Medical Lab. Sciences, Mkar      2009-2012viii. Chaplain, School of Midwifery, Mkar                                                            2012-2016ix. Translator/Proof-Reader of Tiv Bible Revision (TBR) BSN                        2007-2008x. Member, Board of Governors, Laboratory Sciences, Mkar                            2009-2012xi. Member, Board of Governors, School of Midwifery, Mkar                          2012-2016xii. Member, Board of Governors, Laboratory Sciences, Mkar                            2009-2012xiii. Member, Board of Governors, Laboratory Sciences, Mkar                            2009-2012xiv. Member, Board of Governors, School of Midwifery, Mkar                          2012-2016xv. Secretary, Universal Reformed Christian Church Classis, Gboko                  2015-2017xvi. Chaplain, Mbagbera Community Secondary School, Chi                                      2002-2003                   xvii. Principal, NKST Secondary School, Ugugu, Ikurav-Ya                                2003-2004xviii. Chaplain, NKST Secondary School, Adikpo                                                  2005-2006xix. Chaplain, NKST Secondary School, Kuhe-Mbatiav                                2006-2007xx. Chaplain, Len Gabrailse School of Medical Lab. Sciences, Mkar      2009-2012xxi. Chaplain, School of Midwifery, Mkar                                                            2012-2016xxii. Translator/Proof-Reader of Tiv Bible Revision (TBR) BSN                        2007-2008xxiii. Member, Board of Governors, Laboratory Sciences, Mkar                            2009-2012xxiv. Member, Board of Governors, School of Midwifery, Mkar                          2012-2016xxv. Member, Board of Governors, Laboratory Sciences, Mkar                            2009-2012xxvi. Member, Board of Governors, Laboratory Sciences, Mkar                            2009-2012xxvii. Member, Board of Governors, School of Midwifery, Mkar                          2012-2016xxviii. Secretary, Universal Reformed Christian Church Classis, Gboko                  2015-2017xxix. Research Assistant to Prof. Godwin I Akper, NOUN                                  2018-2019xxx. Faculty of Arts Representative, Faculty of Agriculture Science, NOUN    2019-2020xxxi. Faculty of Arts Representative in the Faculty of Law, NOUN 2021-2022xxxii. Faculty of Arts Representative in SERVICON, NOUN                                  2022 till datexxxiii. Unit Head, Department of Religious Studies 2021 to 2024xxxiv. Subject Officer for the 2018_2, 2019_1, 2020_2, 2021_1 and 2021_2 2022_2 Conference Marking Exercise. xxxv. Reviewer of Course Materials, NOUN, Abuja (CTH218 Biblical Hermeneutics, CTH311Gospe of John and CTH813 Pauline Epistles)                                                                                      2019, 2020xxxvi. Instructional/Facilitator and Project Supervisor, Abuja Model Study Centre Dutse Alhaji, Abuja (2023-Till Date.)xxxvii. Acting Head of Department of Department of Religious Studies, National Open University of Nigeria. 3rd – 17th March, 2022xxxviii. Instructional Video production CTH1102 and CTH113 2021-2022xxxix. Managerial Editor, The NOUN Scholar: Journal of Arts and Humanities  xl. PG Coordinator, Department of Religious Studies 2021 to date
2024 to date

Inyaregh, A. A. (2001). The message of Amos to Israelites on Justice and Righteousness: The Relevance to Contemporary Nigerian Experience. Makurdi: Business Oracle Limited. ISBN: 976-995-50336-8-7, (Makurdi).

Inyaregh, A. A. (2018). Jewish political ideology on the kingdom of God in Acts 1.6 and the Relevance to Political Restructuring in Nigeria. Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies, 6(2), 66-77.https://www.njrcs.org/volume-6-2018/

Inyaregh, A. A. (2018). Eschatological Theology of the New Heaven and New Earth in the Matrix of Biblical Revelation in Relation to African Christianity. Journal of Arts and Humanities,12(1 &2), 65-86.

Inyaregh, A. A. (2019). Apocalyptic and Eschatological Theology of the New Heaven and New Earth in the Intertestamental Literature. African Journal of Local Societies Initiative (LOSI), A Multidisciplinary Journal, 8(1), 145-149.

Inyaregh, A. A. (2020). The Mystery of the Doctrine of Death and the Intermediate State: Panacea for the Dilemma of the Unknown. International Journal of Biblical and Cognate Studies (IJBCS), Vol 1, pp. 125-142, 2020.

Idachaba E. A., & Inyaregh, A. A. (2020), Lessons from a Comparative Study of Jesus’ and Inikpi’s Sacrifices for the Nigerian Context. Igwebuike, An African Journal of Arts and Humanities, 6(2), 107-119. Doi: 10. 13140/RG.2.212241.35684.

Apuuivom, B. D., Inyaregh A. A., & Aande S. I. (2020). Nehemiah’s Strategy of Fighting Corruption and Injustice in Neh. 5: 1-19; Implication for Incorruptible and Just Leadership in Nigeria’s Democracy. LASU Journal of Humanities, 14, 202-213.

Inyaregh, A. A., and Eneojo, A. I. (2020). A Collision of Identities in Ideological Struggle between Judeanism and Hellenism: Lessons for Nigerian Christians. International Journal of Biblical and Cognate Studies (IJBCS), 2, 75-100.

Inyaregh, A. A. (2021). Are Women Permitted to Teach? An Exegetical Study of 1 Timothy 2: 8-15. Journal of Christian Religious Studies (JOCRES), 3(3), 49-63.

Inyaregh, A. A., & Aande S. I. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemic Relevance to the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse in Revelation 6: 1-8: Is it a Sign of the End Time? Journal of University Scholars in Religions (JUSREL), 9, 1-11.

Inyaregh, A. A., Idachaba E. A., & Apuuivom D. B. (2021). Robbing God and Christians in the Name of God: The Misunderstanding of Matthew 23: 23 as Justification for Tithing. Vol. 1(1), 240-254 The NOUN Scholar: Journal of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Arts. https://www.thenounscholar.nou.edu.ng/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Article-12.pdf

Inyaregh, A. A. (2021). Slavery in the Pauline Epistle to Philemon: Theological, Social, and Economic Implications for Nigerian Context. Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies, (IJOURELS), 11(2), 13-28. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijrs/article/view/267004/251945

Inyaregh, A. A. (2022). Pauline Areopagus Address in Acts 17.16-34 as a Paradigm for Contextualizing the Gospel in Africa. IGWEBUIKE: An African Journal of Arts and Humanities, 8(2), 193-206. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33912.11529.

Inyaregh, A. A. (2022). A Call for Restructuring in Acts 6.1-8: A Challenge in a Post-Colonial, Multi Ethno-religious Nigerian Society. Veritas Journal of Humanities (VEJOH), 4(1 & 2), 48-62. https://www.veritas.edu.ng/journals/vejoh.php.

Inyaregh, A. A. (2022). Exegetical Study of 2 Timothy 3: 16-17: Invigorating Scriptural Inspiration in the 21st Century Churches. Special Edition, 2(2), 1-26. The NOUN Scholar: Journal of Arts and Humanities, National Open University of Nigeria, (Jabi, Abuja).

Inyaregh, A. A. (2022). The New Means of Grace through the Lens of Reformed Faith in a New Testament Perspective. African Journal of Biblical Studies (AJBS), 37(1 & 2), 95-110.

Inyaregh, A. A. (2022). Contextualisation of Matthean Eschatological Pericope (Matt. 25: 31-46) in NKST Indigenous Christian Song: An Appraisal of Paul Itiavger Fate. African Journal of Biblical Studies (AJBS), 37 (1 & 2), 111-132.

Inyaregh, A. A. (2023). The Ethiopian Eunuch’s Hermeneutical Challenge in Acts 8: 32-40: Decolonization of African Biblical. Hermeneutics Re-Decolonisation of African Biblical Hermeneutics in the Diasporised Contemporary World: Trends, Trajectories and Methodologies; A Festschrift for Professor Olubiyi Adeniyi Adewale at 60, 79-100.
Inyaregh, A. A. (2023). “The New Law of Love for Enemies (ἀγάπη ἐχθροί) in Matthew 5:43-44 and Luke 6:27-36”. Jos Journal of Religion and Philosophy, Vol 4, No 1, 35-52. Department of Religion and Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, Jos https://acjol.org/index.php/jjrp/index
Inyaregh, A. A. (2023). “Calvinistic Doctrine of Common Grace as portrayed in Matthew 5:45 and Luke 6:35: A Reaction to Irrepressible Bloodbaths in Nigerian Society”. The American Journal of Biblical Theology (AJBT), The Divinity Faculty of the University of Chicago: University of Chicago Press, USA. https://biblicaltheology.com/Research/InyareghAA01.pdf
Inyaregh, A. A. and Apuuivom D. B. (2024). “2 Timothy 3:10-17: Rereading the ‘Scripture’ for Christian Discipleship”. The American Journal of Biblical Theology (AJBT), Vol. 25. Issue 36; 1-16. The Divinity Faculty of the University of Chicago: University of Chicago Press, USA. https://www.biblicaltheology.com/Research/InyareghAA02.pdf
Inyaregh, A. A. (2024). “The Rich Fools in Nigerian Society: An Exegetical Study in Luke 12.16-21”, Crowther Journal of Arts and Humanities; Vol. 1 No, 3, 45-61. Department of Religious Studies, University on the Niger, Umunya.
Inyaregh, A. A. (2024). “Justification for Eternal Security of Believers and Impossibility of Apostasy in Romans 8: 28-31”, African Journal of Religion, Philosophy and Culture 5 (1), 25-46, Adonis & Abbey Publishers, UK. https://www.adonis-abbey.com/pdf/3908_article.pdf
Inyaregh, A. A. (2024). “Pharisaical Righteousness in Matthew 6.1-8: A Prototype for Christian Worship in Africa”. IBSA West Africa Journal Vol 2 Issue 1: (May 2024) 96-107, Institute for Biblical Scholarship in Africa, Accra, Ghana; https://ibsafrica.org/ibsa-west-africa-journal-vol-2-iss-1



Gospels, NT Criticism and Exegesis, Pauline and Petrine Epistles, Apocalyptic and Eschatological Literature, Luke-Acts Narratives, Reformed Theology, and Calvinism

Google Scholar; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en
Research Gate; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abel-Inyaregh

Tedfund, Religion and Morality in Nigeria’s Public Spheres, 2022, Professor G I Akper’s Research Team, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi, Abuja
Tedfund, Two Modes of Computer-Assisted Instructions and Learning Outcomes of Students in the Faculty of Arts Courses, 2023, Professor Joy Eyisi’s Research Team, National Open University of Nigeria.

Prospective/Returning Students