Career Profile
I was employed by the university in 2013. I have facilitated some courses, including God and Revelation and Systematic Theology. I also developed some course materials for the university. I have served the university in some capacities such as Coordinator, I-Learn Platforms in the then School of Arts and Social Sciences in 2014-2015 and also Director, Jos Study Centre from 2020-2024. I have 29 publications. Currently, I am a Reader in Systematic Theology.
Philip Shitsav Tachin
Religious Studies/Christian Theology
B.Div, MTH, MA, PhD
I have served the university in various capacities, such as Coordinator, I-Learn Platforms in the School of Arts and Social Sciences from 2014-2015 and Director, Jos Study Centre from 2020-2024. I have 29 publications.
Tachin, P. S. (2019). The Nigerian Church in its Social Context. African Christianity in Local and Global Contexts, A Fetschrift in Honour of Rev. Prof. Isaac Deji Ayegboyin. Eds. Fatokun, Samson Adetunji, et al. (pp. 393-406). University of Ibadan. Ibadan.
Tachin, P.S. (2024). “A Theological Reflection on Cultural and Moral Values for Economic Flourishing in Nigeria.” Pathways to Economic and Social Development in Nigeria: A Guide to APC Government. Eds. Familoni, K. A., Ikupolati, M., MeDupin, A., Mai-Lafia, D., Lawal, A., Muhammed-Gani, S.H., Anthony, B. O. (Abuja): pp. 206-219.
Tachin, P. S. (2010). A Critique of Antony Flew on Divine Omnipotence and Human Freedom. Or-Che-Uma: African Journal of Existential Philosophy, 1(2), 57-69. (Benue State University (Nigeria).
Tachin, P. S. (2010). Calvin on Meritum Christi. Kerux: Journal of Biblical Theology, 25(2), 43-67. (Northwest Theological Seminary, Lynwodd, Washington, USA). https://kerux.com/doc/2502A4.asp.
Tachin, P. S. (2011). A Critique of John Hick’s Christology and Reaffirmation of the Exclusiveness of Christ. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 2(2), 112-131, (Otto-Friedrich University, Bamberg, Germany). https://www.orthodox-theology.com/pages/issues/22-2011.php.
Tachin, P. S. (2011). Ethical Issues and African Politics and Development: Redefining the Concept of Leadership in a Christian Perspective. Faculty of Arts Journal, 7, 394-412. (Benue State University, Nigeria).
Tachin, P. S. (2013). The Logic of Monergism and Synergism in Francis Turretin’s Soteriology. Kerux: The Journal of Northwest Theological Seminary, 28(2), 33-47. (Lynwood, Washington, USA). https://www.kerux.com/issue.asp?id=83.
Tachin, P. S. (2014). Humanity Made in the Image of God: Towards Ethnic Unity in Africa. Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology, 33(1), 67-82. (Scott Christian University, Machakos, Kenya). https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/blog/africa-journal-of-evangelical-theology-2012-2015-now-on-line/.
Tachin, P. S. (2014). True Religious Piety and its Social implications: An Analysis of Calvin’s Thought. Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious studies, XLVI (1&2), 101-120. (University of Ibadan, Nigeria). https://publications.waset.org/abstracts/24351/true-religious-piety-and-its-social-implications-an-analysis-of-calvins-thought.
Tachin, P. S. (2015). Witnessing in Word and Deed in the context of Religious Persecution. Unio cum Christo: An International Reformed Journal on faith and Life, 1(1-2), 209-224. (Westminster, Philadelphia, USA). https://uniocc.com/archive/witnessing-in-word-and-deed-in-the-context-of-religious-persecution.
Tachin, P. S. (2017). Do Judaism, Islam, and Christianity Worship the Same God? A Reformed Theological Perspective. Unio cum Christo: International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life, 3(1), 183-200. (Westminster, Philadelphia, USA). https://uniocc.com/archive/do-judaism-islam-and-christianity-worship-the-same-god.
Tachin, P. S. (2018). The Exclusive Authority of Scripture and African Anti-foundationalism: The Byang Kato Legacy. E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 4(1), 28-40. (Kwame Nkrumah University, Kumasi, Ghana). https://noyam.org/journals/erats/.
Tachin, P. S. (2019). The Religious and Social Covenant: The Puritan Challenge. E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 5(2), 92-99, Kwame Nkrumah University, (Accra, Ghana). https://noyam.org/journals/erats/.
Tachin, P. S. (2019). The Glory of God: A Philosophical and Theological Reflection of Calvin Towards Nation Building. Philosophy and Praxis: Journal of the Nigeria Philosophical Association, 9(1), 98-116. (Abuja).
Tachin, P. S. (2020). Implementation of Personal Social and Health Education in the Nigerian Basic Education: Curriculum Integration and Stand-Alone. Journal of Research in Arts and Social Science Education, 9(1), 154-166. (Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Zaria).
Tachin, P. S. (2021). An Analysis of the Potency of Common Grace in the Context of Terrorism in Nigeria. Benin Journal of Religions and Society, 5(1), 60-75. (University of Benin, Benin). publications.bjrs.org.ng · node · 32.
Tachin, P. S. (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria. Unio cum Christo: International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life, 7(1), 152-155. (Westminster, Philadelphia, USA). https://uniocc.com/archive/12.
Tachin, P. S. (2021). How Should We Then Live? An Ethico-Theological Reflection on the Question of Citizenship and Inter-Ethnic Relations in Nigeria. Journal of Religion and Philosophy, 3(2), 159-172. (University of Jos, Jos).
Tachin, P. S. (2022). The Impact of Reformed Theological Seminary, Mkar: The Unfinished Agenda on Public Theology. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 39(3), 205-215. (Oxford, UK). https://doi.org/10.1177/02653788221110784.
Tachin, P. S. (2022). The Finality of Christ in John Stott’s Christology. Unio cum Christo: International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life, 8(2), 63-81, (Westminster, Philadelphia, USA). DOI: https://doi.org/10.35285/ucc8.2.2022.art4.
Tachin, P. S. (2022). Is the Human Being Incurably Religious? The NOUN Scholar, 2(2), 42-59. (National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja). https://www.thenounscholar.nou.edu.ng/.
Tachin, P. S. (2023). Divine Regulation of the World: A Selected Reformed Reading. The NOUN Scholar. l(3), 10-20. (National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja). https://www.thenounscholar.nou.edu.ng/.
Tachin, P. S. (2023). Christian Community and Constructive Ministry in Violent Contexts: A Reformed Proposal. Unio cum Christo, 9(2), 61-77. (Philadelphia, USA). https://uniocc.com/archive/17.
Tachin, P.S. (2023). Our Children, Our Future: The Cultural, Moral, Social and Theological Dimensions of Christian Child Upbringing. Jos Journal of Religion and Philosophy. 4(1), 189 – 208.
Tachin, P.S. (2023). The Role of Religious Textual Interpretation Towards Reducing Insecurity in Nigeria: A Christian Theological Approach. The NOUN Scholar. 3(2), 107-128. (Abuja). https://www.thenounscholar.nou.edu.ng/.
Tachin, P. S. (2004). A Response to Christian Religious Education in the 21st Century. in: Christian Worldview and Scholarship. Ed. John B Hulst (Melbourne, Australia: Amani). pp. 91 – 92.
Tachin, P. S. (2004). A Response to a Biblical Perspective on Stewardship. in: Christian Worldview and Scholarship ed. John B. Hulst (Melbourne, Australia: Amani). pp 200 – 202.
Tachin, P. S. (2018). Saai, Joseph Isholibo (1911-1986). Dictionary of African Biography. (Boston, USA). https://dacb.org/stories/nigeria/saai-josua2/.
Tachin, P. S. (2020). Evangelism through the Spiritual Songs: The Theological Trajectory and Contextualization of Reformed Church Music in Nigeria (NKST). Accepted for publication in The Reformed Theology and Spirituality of Music: From the Reformation to the Present, ed. H. Kim (Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming) https://www.reforc.com/reformation-musical-history-and-theology/. Pp. 1-25.
Systematic Theology for Human Development
ORCID number: Philip Tachin (0000-0001-7000-9009) – ORCID
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-9FCFyAAAAAJ&hl=en
langham Partnership post-doctoral award 2020 (though I couldn’t go)